Live in Lochbroom? Join LUCT.

Since the pandemic, we find ourselves in a new era where communities will be expected to do more to help themselves as public sector funding declines. We may not believe this is right but we need to act to keep our community thriving and be a great place for people to live, work, raise families and holiday in.

Become a member

You can help by joining LUCT to have a say in what we do and send us your ideas and feedback to consultations. We can ensure you hear about new initiatives if you are a member. Anyone living in Lochbroom may join for free. To join our membership, please go to: Get Involved

Join our Board

LUCT is working hard to become a stronger organisation to help the community. We will be announcing some exciting new projects achieved as a result of our Board’s hard work in pushing for more for our community and others around us. If you live in Lochbroom, Join us to help shape the community you want to see against the increasing challenges. It takes common sense and a strategic and fair mind. If you would like to find out more, please email us.


Highland Council Consultation on Draft Transport Strategy


Question Time event in Ullapool