LUCT AGM 2/11/23

Thankyou for all who attended our AGM last night

The presentations and accounts to 31/3/23 can be seen through the links below.

7.00 pm Welcome – Chair‘s statement Mamta Patel 39 persons attended the meeting of which 28 were LUCT members = Meeting Quorate Apologies from Neil Lebeter, Brendan O’Hanrahan, Effie Mackenzie & Sue Parker

Financial – annual accounts and narrative –Liz Cotton gave a review of the accounts and paper copies were available . The accounts were accepted by the meeting -prop. – Christine Crook, Sec.- Ben Williams)

Board – New Directors: Who we are, why we joined LUCT, what we would like it to achieve Mamta introduced the new directors

Election of Board Members :-

Directors standing down and up for re election Tim Gauntlet Prop. Gill Wilson, Sec.-Liz Cotton and Susan Leslie prop. Nick Tatchell, Sec. Tim Gauntlett

Co opted Directors standing for election :- Ben Williams prop. Susan Leslie, Sec. Amanda Barry ; Christine Crook prop. Tim Gauntlett, sec. Geraint Roberts ; Mike Fletcher , prop. Nick Tatchell, sec. Amanda Barry

Achievements / Direction of travel since our last AGM 

  • Sustainable Futures

  • Active Travel

  • Employment and Training

  • Affordable Homes

  • New Broom & Community Pantry

  • Community Benefit Fund

Future needs: audience discussion



Lochbroom Staff Pool enters new phase


AGM Nov 2nd 2023 7pm