Regional Transport Strategy – Case for Change

As reported in the Ullapool News last week, The Highland Council is updating its Local Transport Strategy, which sets out how it will manage and modernise the transport network across the region in the coming years. The Case for Change is the first stage in this process and is about gathering evidence; this consultation seeks your views on it.

The feedback received will be used to help develop a draft of the updated Local Transport Strategy, which will then itself go out for consultation later in the year.

The survey questionnaire seeks your views on the key findings from the report. The questionnaire and the full Case for Change Report are available here.

LUCT has shared the findings from our Sustaining Choices consultation with The Highland Council which are also identified in their Case for Change Report. Their report is much broader, though, and, as the Highland Council will play a large part in delivering our plans, I would encourage those interested in shaping how we get about in the future to have a look at the report and provide feedback through the questionnaire.

This consultation is open for 8 weeks, closing on Monday 29th May.


AGM Nov 2nd 2023 7pm